Featuring the feature pack for Web 2.0

Featuring the feature pack for Web 2.0

If you have not used the Web 2.0 feature pack for WebSphere App Server, you might be missing out on...

Java EE 6 released

Java EE 6 released

After several years of development and LOTS of community involvement, Sun has announced the release of Java Enterprise Edition 6...

Properties based configuration in WebSphere App Server 7

Properties based configuration in WebSphere App Server 7

One of the new features WebSphere Application Server 7 is its properties file based configuration. Since version 5 WAS has...

WebSphere XD Virtual Enterprise 6.1.1 Announced

WebSphere XD Virtual Enterprise 6.1.1 Announced

IBM Announced XD 6.1.1 last week. This is a refresh pack rather than a fix pack (note the 3rd digit...

WebSphere App Server and Struts2 don’t mix

WebSphere App Server and Struts2 don’t mix

As I have recently found out by the school of hard knocks, these two do not mix when Java EE...

WebSphere App Server fix pack is out

WebSphere App Server fix pack is out

For those who are running WAS 7, IBM released the latest fixpack yeserday (March 24th). This is a highly recommended...

WebSphere App Server 7 and openDNS Don’t Mix

WebSphere App Server 7 and openDNS Don’t Mix

I just figured out a problem that has been bugging the bejeezus out of me. I could not for the...

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