Setting up the Jazz build engine: Resolving issue with getNextRequest

Setting up the Jazz build engine: Resolving issue with getNextRequest

I received this error while setting up the engine. [Jazz build engine] CRRTC3527E: Operation blocked by process: ‘Control The Build...

Webcast: A better way to develop Enterprise Applications – Nov 4th

Webcast: A better way to develop Enterprise Applications – Nov 4th

Imagine if your mainframe and distributed development environments were seamlessly integrated, platform choice was removed from the development stage and...

Comparing Rational Team Concert to Subversion

Comparing Rational Team Concert to Subversion

I get lots of questions about why RTC over subversion. If you are only interested in source code management, and...

Choosing secure passwords

Choosing secure passwords

Do you have secure passwords? (from lifehacker)

5 6 Steps for Avoiding SPAM break outs in your environment

5 6 Steps for Avoiding SPAM break outs in your environment

In light of a recent issue I had at a client site, I want to share some simple tips that...

WebSphere Technical Journal available for the Kindle

WebSphere Technical Journal available for the Kindle

I have a Kindle and am quite fond of it. I find it easy to devour books and my reading...

Installing Lotus Quickr 8.5 on OpenSuse 11.3 Linux under VMWare

Installing Lotus Quickr 8.5 on OpenSuse 11.3 Linux under VMWare

This will be a bit of a long blog entry, but this is a demonstration of getting Lotus Quickr 8.5...

Lotus Notes immune to “Here you have” virus

Lotus Notes immune to “Here you have” virus

Yet another $h17#3@0 virus maker has spawned his evil on the world with this recent “Here you have” virus. This...

Have you played with the free Lotus Domino Designer?

Have you played with the free Lotus Domino Designer?

Earlier this year IBM announced that their development environment for Lotus Notes, the Lotus Domino Designer is now free for...

Lotus Domino 8.5.2 SMTP Issue causes spike in CPU utilization

Lotus Domino 8.5.2 SMTP Issue causes spike in CPU utilization

Lotus Domino 8.5.2 was released after much development and testing. IBM appears to be going very slowly through the iteration...

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