What do I need to install on my z/OS for IDz and RTC to work?

Strongback Consulting
We were asked by a customer on what components need to be installed on their z/OS LPAR for their deployment IBM Developer for z Systems (IDz). They are also integrating with Rational Team Concert, which as a result, has some additional z/OS pieces to be installed. These are all SMP/e based installs. I get this request a few times a year, and for the sake of posterity, I’m posting this on the blog so the everyone can benefit. These instructions below are for IBM Developer for z System version 14.0. There is a version 14.1 that is also available, and as such the FMIDs listed below will closely match what you see in the extracted files.
First, you’ll need to download the following file. Extract the file, and inside each subfolder will be a program directory (PDF) that expains how to install via SMP/e. Once each of these are installed, you run the configuration utilities to get them working on the target LPAR’s.
Download IBM Developer for z Host Components (14.0) to your local PC.
Extract the zip file. There will be multiple FMID’s in this part. Each FMID will have PDF program directory in each FMID folder. The documentation directory explains how to customize the various FMID’s after SMP/e installation.
Inline image 3
Install each of these:
HALG300 (The Remote z/OS Explorer, which runs the started tasks required to connect to the z/OS from IDz)
HAKGE00 (IDz Host Utilities, which you appear to have already installed. These are used as convenience ISPF panels to configure the products)
HHOPE00 (IBM Developer for z, which contains the critical pieces for IDz software analysis, code review, etc)
HADRE00  (IBM z/OS Debugger, which is part of IDz licensing and should be installed in both locations )
Optionally, if you have these at the client site (I think NC has this) install this FMID:
HVWR170 (Problem determination tools – Fault Analyzer, File Manager, etc)
H09F210 contains COBOL and CICS Command Level Conversion Aid, which to my knowledge, you do not need (its used for upgrade from prior versions of COBOL or CICS).
Next, there is a piece that is critical for the integration between IDz and Team Concert server for impact analysis. This is found in the RCLM_SMPE-FOR-ZOS_V6.0.4_ML.zip file, from which you should already have HRBT604, HRBA604, and HRCC604 installed.
There is another FMID, HRDV604, which is described in the Team Concert program directory (5724V04.pdf). This FMID is only needed if IDz is not installed on the host. Thus in this scenario, it is not needed.
Additionally, these site below is the official documentation that you need and should reference for the products:
Lastly, if you need assistance with the configuration, or the deployment of the IDz clients, give us a call. This is one of our specialites.

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Strongback Consulting