Supporting the Boy Scouts of America
This is a change in previous types of content, and this post is about one of our favorite charities and youth groups: the BSA.
This fall as your children are starting back to school, you might have some extra curricular activities in mind for them to peruse. Sure, there is little league football, basketball, baseball and soccer, all of which promote health, sportsmanship, and team work. All of these values are those that might not be taught in school, that are also promoted by the BSA. The BSA promotes not just these values but several others that you may find equally or even more important. The values are entrenched in the Scout Law: Trustworthy, Loyal, Helpful, Friendly, Courteous, Kind, Obedient, Cheerful, Thrifty, Brave, Clean, and Reverent. Scouting also teaches about nature, conservancy, and respect for the outdoors.
Scouting has educated and aided hundreds of thousands of boys become better men, and leaders in their communities. It is a program where a scout can learn about many topics that are never taught in school these days, or at least insufficiently. It also provides a great bonding time between parent and child, offering the parent an opportunity to meet new friends and provide service to their community through volunteering.
If you have a son who is going into 1st through 5th grade, please consider Cub Scouting this fall.
If you have a son who is going into 6th through 12th grade, please consider Boy Scouting.
If you have a son or daughter, between the ages of 14 to 21, Venturing is an excellent program that can offer adventures many may never get to see otherwise.
To find out what programs are near you, please visit
If you would like to help the program financially, please visit Friends of Scouting. This program helps to support the local councils and the programs they implement.
Thank you in advance!